Izzi Stories
Updates and stories from the Izzi Early Education community
Sister Sisters with Izzi Early Education Staff
Happy National Siblings Day! Here at Izzi we love to celebrate everyone, especially siblings.
Head (Start) to the Capitol Advocacy Day
Izzi staff, parents, and students headed to our State Capitol in Sacramento for Head Start Advocacy Day!
A Family Connection to “The Emerald Isle”
In the spirit of Irish American Heritage Month, Fund Development Manager Sean Gallagher shares what it means for him to be Irish and his connections to Ireland, also known as “The Emerald Isle.”
Praises and Cheers for Father’s Cafe!
Two parents share their praises and cheers for our Father’s Cafe program that serves all Izzi Early Education parents.
The Birth of IHSD
In celebration of our 39th anniversary as an organization founded as The Institute for Human and Social Development, Inc. (IHSD), this is a repost as written by Dr. Jean van Keulen.
Voices of Izzi Filipino Americans 🇵🇭
In celebration of Filipino American Heritage Month, we asked members of our staff to share a piece of their culture with us!
¿Qué significa para usted estar sirviendo a la comunidad?
In celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month, we asked members of our management team to share what it means for them to serve the community. Responses were captured in both Spanish and English.
A Teacher’s Love for Magnolia
To kick off the new school year, Site Supervisor Stephanie Merlo shares her journey in early childhood education and when she first fell in love with the Izzi at Magnolia site.
Changing the Status Quo as a Male in Early Education
John Fernandez was one of ten men in his San Jose State University Child Development graduating class of about 150. As one of few male figures in the field, he wanted to make a difference and change the status quo.
Full Circle from Student to Staff Member
Former Izzi (then-IHSD) Head Start student Denise Cifuentes shares how she has come full circle now as Home Based Specialist and a career in education.
Planting Seeds that are Rooted in History
Having just crossed working 30 years as a milestone achievement, Izzi Early Education’s Developmental Services Manager Lupe Ibarra opens up about her career journey serving the community that she grew up in
Family Completes FDC Program Together
F is for the Flores family and FDC! Huge shout out to this trio of mother and daughters, including our very own Izzi staff Krystal (left) and Yessenia (right), who completed the Family Development Credential (FDC) program together.
Serving More East Palo Alto Families
As one of five center-based sites in the southern part of San Mateo County, Izzi at East Palo Alto now has a year-round toddler Early Head Start program with two new classrooms in addition to its quality Head Start preschool program.
First Feature as Izzi Early Education
Thrilled to share our first official feature as Izzi Early Education since our official launch last week, and thank you San Mateo Daily Journal for the spotlight!
IHSD Inc. Get Rebranded After 37 Years
After serving San Mateo County for over 37 years with quality child care programs and services serving families from infancy to Pre-K, the Institute for Human and Social Development (IHSD Inc.) now has a new name and look.
The Glowing Lakewood Puzzle
Imagine putting together a complex puzzle. You would typically start around the edges and build inward. These pieces are dark, confusing to put together, and represent all the struggles of 2020. While building towards the middle of the puzzle, the image starts to show a beautiful glowing aura, and the center shows IHSD’s Lakewood Head Start and Early Head Start team.