Celebrating 30 Years of Service

In May 2021, Izzi Early Education (formerly IHSD Inc.) honored Teacher Maria Hernandez as one of 13 staff to receive a milestone award. Fellow staff member Homebased Manager, North County Krystal Flores interviewed Teacher Maria to celebrate her 30 years serving the community. Photos provided by Teacher Maria.


Izzi: How does it feel to look back at your 30 years of service to the community?

Maria: It feels rewarding because, during those 30 years, I've had the opportunity to grow personally and professionally. I started as an assistant teacher. I went to school, and I had mentors to guide me and later had the opportunity to move on as a Family Advocate. During those years, I had the opportunity to work with kids, and it was a gift. I never thought that coming from another county, I would have the opportunity to work with children and families. As a Family Advocate, I started to get a picture more about the family well being, not just teaching children more about the families. How to be a bridge between the family and agencies in the community. Connect with the families to be able to be self-sufficient. After that, I became a Home Based Specialist, and I was able to learn more not just what I learned as a Family Advocate, I was able to go into the family home and learn more about the families, their culture, and their home life. I learned how to help families with limited resources, how to use home materials to do activities, and see the realities of the families. I feel blessed to have the opportunity to be their partners in their journey and learn how low-income families struggle in San Mateo County and witness how our organization makes a difference in their lives.

Izzi: How did you come to IHSD? Did you always want to become a teacher?

Maria: I was referred to IHSD by my hairstylist. My hairstylist was an assistant teacher at IHSD. As we talked, I let her know that I was in education in my home county [of El Salvador]. She asked if I was interested in applying for IHSD. I applied and got an interview. With a translator at the interview, I got the job!

Izzi: What was that time like when you first joined?

Maria: My co-workers were very kind and mentored me. They were bilingual and helped me. I went to get ECE classes right away. I got my Human Service credential, two FDC’s as well as my PITC and PAT credentials. I continue to support my education.


Izzi: What are some favorite memories with families?

Maria: Every year, I have multiple experiences that I can see how these families grow and children graduate. I get to see them go from low-income to owning their own company and from an apartment to buying a house. I even have moms that became lawyers, nurses, teachers, and one of the families became my co-worker! Those make me realize that the organization is doing something amazing. The organization is the one that provides the support we as workers are just the instruments.

Izzi: What are some favorite memories with the staff?

Maria: I have so many things to be thankful for. First for believing in me, supporting me, and always seeing me as a part of the team. I feel included and supported along with mentoring. They taught me so much, and we are a family. Where I am right now, I know it's my efforts but I know that it's also because of the support from everyone.

Izzi: Any advice for teachers and staff who are thinking of a career in early education?

Maria: I would say to always put the children first. Keep in mind the organization's philosophy and mission. Working with passion and working on the goals and never giving up! Every day is a new day to do your best for the love of the families.

Thank you Teacher Maria for your incredible spirit and commitment to serve!


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