Media Kit
The izzi brand
The Izzi Early Education brand identity is a system of elements: our logo, typography, and color palette that together bring the brand to life.
Consistent and careful use of these assets will create recognition and build a clear and strong Izzi brand.
The izzi logo family
At Izzi, children, families, and educators come together to form a magical world with a shared culture and purpose.
Logo Usage
When creating branded materials, make sure to use a variety of the pre-built creatures. For example, if you are making 4 buttons, use 4 different creatures, or if you are making balloons, you can use 3 of the sea creatures as shown below.
Clear Space
To ensure legibility of the Izzi logo, do not place graphics or text within the limits of its clear space. The height of letter “i” is used as the basis for the clear space measurement.
Minimum Size
To maintain legibility of the Izzi logo, we have indicated the minimum size it can be used. The minimum size is measured by the height of the Izzi logotype, since the shapes vary in size.
Do Nots
Do not place the Izzi logo on a background flood of color.
Do not use the Izzi logo on a busy photograph with a similar color tone.
Do not outline or rotate the logo.
Do not stretch or skew the Izzi logo or use it in any colors outside of the Izzi color palette.
Color Palette
The Izzi logo family uses a broad color palette of pure, inviting colors.
Restrained use of this color palette is necessary to avoid a carnival of color.
Our brand typeface, Sofia Pro, is a simple san-serif font with rounded forms that bring warmth and friendliness to our brand.
We use Sophia Pro Black and Semi Bold for headlines and subheads. Sophia Pro Medium and Regular are used for body copy, along with their italic equivalents.*
For emails or Google Docs, a san-serif font, such as Poppins is a good alternative.
*The Sophia Pro font is part of the Adobe Fonts collection, included with an Adobe Cloud subscription.
Our voice is optimistic, warm, courageous, and plainspoken. Use headlines like the ones at right with any of the 6 logos.
Example Headlines:
Izzi is early education.
A sea change for education
We are the rising tide that raises our most precious ships.
Like any brand name, Izzi is a proper noun that should start with a capital letter in writing. The formal name Izzi Early Education should be used at first mention in the body text of a communication piece. The only times it should not be capitalized are when referring to our website, social media handle, or in a headline or title for style purposes. Izzi Early Education can be shortened to Izzi but should never be abbreviated.
On graphic applications, we often use “early education” in all lowercase letters with an Izzi logo.
Izzi Early Education can be shortened to Izzi but the name cannot be abbreviated as an acronym.
Avoid capitalizing names of departments unless you are referring to it as a proper noun or use it in a title/heading. Program site names will be capitalized, ex: Izzi at Half Moon Bay, Izzi at South San Francisco, etc.