A Teacher’s Love for Magnolia
To kick off the new school year, Site Supervisor Stephanie Merlo shares her journey in early childhood education and when she first fell in love with the Izzi at Magnolia site.
Step up to the Plate for Izzi Early Education
Thank you for joining us Saturday, June 4 for our first Izzi family fun night!
Resources and Support after (another) School Shooting
During times of tragedy and difficulty in the news, we may think that children are unaware of what is happening.
Prueba de COVID opcional para ninos
Estaremos ofreciendo las pruebas de COVID en el centro para niños en nuestro programa en colaboración con el servicio de pruebas de COLOR.
Optional COVID Testing Available for Children
We will now be able to offer COVID testing on site for children in the Izzi program in partnership with the COLOR testing service.
COVID Exclusion & Return Criteria Chart
Our highest priority continues to be the health and safety of our students, families and staff.
Cheers to our Class of 2021 Distance Learning Students!
Congrats to our C/O 2021 Distance Learning students!
Grand Opening of EPA Toddler Classroom [VIDEO]
We are thrilled to finally open Izzi at East Palo Alto Room C! Click for video and tour.
Week of the Young Child 2021 [Photos]
Our celebrations continued this week to honor the Week of the Young Child!
Izzi Celebration Week
Join us as we celebrate our new name and brand identity all week long!